2018 PETS Facilitators

District 5240

Savi Bhim

Ms. Bhim is the owner of BVI Apparel USA, an embroidery and printing company located in Simi Valley, California. She was also a teacher for many years and it remains one of her most rewarding profession

Savi has been a member of the Rotary Club of Simi Sunrise since 2004 and serves wherever she is needed. In 2013-14 she was the club’s president. Through her club, she traveled to South Africa where she worked with the local club on an AIDS clinic and she was instrumental in a wheel chair distribution project in Guyana, South America

Savi has also served her Rotary District 5240 in various areas including membership advisor, assistant governor, chief of staff, district trainer and PETS facilitator. She is currently the District Governor Nominee.

Savi’s favorite ‘hang out’ spots include small coffee shops and book stores. She loves reading and is a ‘snob’ when it comes to books as she still prefers turning the real pages of real books. She likes to travel and learn about different peoples and their cultures . However, her consuming passion is all things Rotary.

Time: 9 am, 10am, 11 am

Michael Boyer

Rotary Club of Pismo Beach (Five Cities)

Michael Boyer has been working in Technology and Digital Marketing for 22 years.  He is the Chief Operating Officer of Digital West, Inc., a company providing digital products and services to thousands of business across the country.

Michael has Rotary in his blood, a fourth generation Rotarian. Michael’s Great Grand Father, Luther Hodges was Rotary International President in 1967-68.  Michael’s Father is Past District Governor in District 5010, his mother is Past President of the Rotary Club of Wasilla and his wife is Past President of the Rotary Club of Pismo Beach/Five Cities.

The Rotary Club of Pismo Beach-Five Cites, 2001-Present

Positions Held: President, President-Elect, Treasurer (3 years), Club Service Director (2 years), Public Relations Chair (8 years), Vocational Service Director, International Service Director, Club Foundation Vice President & Club Foundation President.

Current Position: President’s Advisor

Rotary District 5240 Staff, 2002-Present

Positions Held: Website Chair (3 years), Public Relations Chair (3 years), Club Service Director, Communications Committee (3 years), Membership Advisor, SOCAL PETS Instructor (5 years – Public Image, #WeAreRotary, Social Media), SOCAL PETS Facilitator (4 years – Promote Rotary, Your Members, Your Leadership, Club Management).
Current Position: Membership Chair, District Conference Promotion Committee

Rotary Zone 25/26 Board of Advisors, 2015-Present

Positions Held: Assistant Rotary Public Image Coordinator, Keynote Speaker AZ PETS, AZ PETS Instructor (Rotary Club Central), Speaker at Zone Institute 2015, 2016 & 2017.

Current Position: Rotary Public Image Coordinator

Both the San Luis Obispo Tribune and the Pacific Coast Business Times recognized Michael with their “Top 20 Under 40” Award for his professional excellence and profound commitment to the Community.

Michael lives in Arroyo Grande, CA with my wife and son.

David Saint-Amand

David Saint-Amand is a member and Past President of the Rotary Club of China Lake.  He is a Master PRLS Graduate and a Multiple Paul Harris Fellow.   He is a recipient of his club’s “Everett A. Long Rotarian of the Year” award, and the Rotary International “Rotary Volunteers” Certificate of Recognition.  He is a Past-Chair of the Rotary Club of China Lake Charitable Foundation, through which he personally funds an annual science and engineering memorial scholarship in honor of his Parents: Dr. Pierre and Mrs. Marie Saint-Amand.  David has a particular interest in eliminating the Polio virus as his mother was infected with it as a child.  To that end he created the “Big Change from Small Change” fundraising effort in order to cover his club’s annual contribution to the first matching grant of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  He raised over $6,000 for the Rotary PolioPlus program; which was then donated under his club’s name.

David has served District 5240 every year for the past ten years; from a member of the “Future Vision Pilot District Committee,” to Executive Assistant Governor, and up to Chief Operating Officer for District Governor Jim Bell (2015-2016), and Chief of Staff for Governor John Weiss (2017-2018).


District 5280

Time: 9 am, 10am, 11 am

Bette Hall

Coming Soon

Time: 9 am, 10am, 11 am

Kathleen Terry

Coming Soon

Time: 9 am, 10am, 11 am

Greg O’Brien

Coming Soon

Time: 9 am, 10am, 11 am

David Moyers

Coming Soon

District 5300

Time: 9 am, 10am, 11 am

Dennis Franklin

Coming Soon

Time: 9 am, 10am, 11 am

Roger Gutierrez

Coming Soon

Time: 9 am, 10am, 11 am

Michael Gordon

Coming Soon

Time: 9 am, 10am, 11 am

David Thorson

Coming Soon

District 5320

Time: 9 am, 10am, 11 am

Gillian Bradshaw

Coming Soon

Time: 9 am, 10am, 11 am

Ali Danta

Coming Soon

Time: 9 am, 10am, 11 am

Steve Larson

Coming Soon

Time: 9 am, 10am, 11 am

Terry Snyder

Coming Soon

District 5330

Time: 9 am, 10am, 11 am

Cherie Curzon

Coming Soon

Time: 9 am, 10am, 11 am

Bob Duistermars

Coming Soon

Time: 9 am, 10am, 11 am

Rudy Westervelt

Coming Soon

District 5340

Time: 9 am, 10am, 11 am

John Goodrich

Coming Soon

Time: 9 am, 10am, 11 am

Suzanne Manuel

Coming Soon

District 5500

Time: 9 am, 10am, 11 am

Randy Brooks

Wendy Hobbs has been in the financial industry since 1979 and started her independent financial planning practice in 1988.

She is a member and past president of the RC of Rincon (Tucson) in District 5500 and a past president of the RC of Oro Valley.  She is currently serving her third term as the District 5500 Executive Assistant Governor and has served in various club and District positions since joining Rotary in 1995.

Time: 9 am, 10am, 11 am

Michael Drake

Michael is a charter member of the Rotary Club of Tucson Sunset,  chartered in 1983, and served as Club President in 1992-93. Michael has served Rotary District 5500 in many positions, including District Governor in 2011-12.  He currently is Chair of the District Rotary Foundation Committee.

Michael was a member of D5500’s all Rotarian GSE team to the Russian Far East in 1998 and was team leader for the GSE team to Japan in 2007. He has participated in four Rotary Friendship Exchanges and traveled to India in 2005 to participate in a Polio National Immunization Day. He is a multiple Paul Harris Fellow, member of Paul Harris Society, Major Donor, and Member of the Bequest Society.  Michael recently received the Service Above Self Award, Rotary International’s highest honor.  Fewer than 150 Awards are presented worldwide each year.


Michael graduated from Stanford University and the University of Arizona College of Law. He is past-president of the Pima County Bar Association and served 12 years as a Hearing Officer for the Arizona Supreme Court Attorney Disciplinary Commission. He currently practices personal injury law and civil litigation in Tucson.

Time: 9 am, 10am, 11 am

Joe Hentges

Wendy Hobbs has been in the financial industry since 1979 and started her independent financial planning practice in 1988.

She is a member and past president of the RC of Rincon (Tucson) in District 5500 and a past president of the RC of Oro Valley.  She is currently serving her third term as the District 5500 Executive Assistant Governor and has served in various club and District positions since joining Rotary in 1995.

Time: 9 am, 10am, 11 am

Wendy Hobbs

Wendy Hobbs has been in the financial industry since 1979 and started her independent financial planning practice in 1988.

She is a member and past president of the RC of Rincon (Tucson) in District 5500 and a past president of the RC of Oro Valley.  She is currently serving her third term as the District 5500 Executive Assistant Governor and has served in various club and District positions since joining Rotary in 1995.