DGE 5500

Bruce Monro

Club: Tubac

Bruce has been a Rotarian for 11years, all of it with the Tubac AZ Rotary Club. Tubac is a community of less than 2000 people, but the Tubac Rotary club has 35 over members. He has served two terms as club President,as membership committee chair, and as the club foundation chair. Currently, he is an Assistant Governor and District Membership Chair.He is District Governor-elect2025-26.

Before Bruce became a Rotarian, a co-worker told him about a community shoe distributionproject thatneeded volunteers.He helped give outover 1000 pairsof shoesthat day. It wasn’t until he was invited to a Rotary club meeting somemonths later that he realized that manyof the people volunteering at the shoe drive wereRotarians. That motivatedhimto join the Tubac club.With the club, he has been involved with many projects including leading a multi-club winter jacket distribution project and initiating Rotary sponsorshipfor cleft palate surgeries in Hermosillo.He leda team that starteda new club in SahuaritaAZ.

Bruce is an industrial engineer who has worked for IBM, Honeywell andRaytheon. In his career, he has helped design & manage the construction of two new factories and improvedtheoperations ofnumerous others. He has an Industrial Engineering degree from Arizona StateUniversityand a Master’s degree from the University of Arizona.

Though the people component of any organization is most important, Brucebelieves that if you can measure something, you can describe it. If you can describe it, you can understand it. And, if you understand it, you can improveit.The data provides the directionfor people to take action.After all, Rotarians are “People of Action”.

Bruce & his wife Cindy enjoy traveling to Wyoming to enjoy family, the weather and fishing.